Onderzoek en Onderwijs


Slides van lezingen, symposia en congressen

Hier vind je tot een week na dato de slides van onderwijsactiviteiten waar we bij betrokken zijn.


Ons wetenschappelijk onderzoek is gericht op blessures en prestaties. Vragen uit de praktijk zetten we om in onderzoeksvragen. Het kan zijn dat gevraagd wordt om mee te doen aan een lopend onderzoeksproject. Het wel of niet meedoen zal nooit gevolgen hebben voor de kwaliteit van de behandeling. Hieronder vind je een overzicht van onze publicaties.



Kennisoverdracht vinden we belangrijk. Daarom zijn we opleidingspraktijk. Dat betekent dat er stagiaires aanwezig zijn. Bij bezwaar daartegen horen we dat graag. Onderwijs geven we ook “buiten de deur”. Voor diverse scholingsinstituten in binnen- en buitenland verzorgen we onderwijs over sportblessures en sportorthopedische onderwerpen.

Symposia en congressen

Omdat we binnen ons centrum maar ook in diverse samenwerkingen daarbuiten veel aandacht besteden aan innovatie en onderzoek worden we regelmatig gevraagd om bijdragen te leveren aan (internationale) congressen en symposia. Dat doen we met plezier omdat samen leren iedereen verder brengt. Hieronder vindt je een overzicht van deze activiteiten.



Gondwe B, Benjaminse A, Heuvelmans P, Nijmeijer, EM, Buchel D, Tak I, Gokeler G. Neurocognition and Sport: An Overview of Its Application to Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation. Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024. Doral MN,, Karlsson J (eds.), Sports Injuries, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36801-1_349-1.

Tortoli E, Gokeler A, Tak I, Pelliciari L, Norte G. Is visual reliance increased in athletes after ACL injury? A scoping review. Sports Med. 2024, Aug; Online first. 

Multidisciplinary Guideline on Acute Muscle Injury of the Lower Extremity in Athletes. Federation Medical Specialists. 2023 July. lees hier full text.

Buck T, Dahmen J, Tak I, Rikken Q, Otten R, Stufkens S, Kerkhoffs G. Large Variation in Postoperative Rehabilitation Protocols following Operative Treatment of Osteochondral Lesions of the Talus:A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on >200 Studies. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2024 Jan; Online ahead of print.

Ophey MJ; Westerweel A; Van Oort M; Van den Berg R; Kerkhoffs G; Tak I. Impaired hemodynamics of the patella in patients with patellofemoral pain – a case-control study. J Exp Orthopaedics. Submitted.

Ophey MJ; Westerweel A; Van Oort M; Van den Berg R; Kerkhoffs G; Tak I. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy measurements are reliable for studying patellar bone hemodynamics and affected by venous occlusion, but not by skin compression. J Exp Orthaopedics, 2023 Dec;10:124.

Pauw AHJ, Buck TMF, Gokeler A, Tak I. Reconsideration of Return-to-Sport Decision-Making After Pediatric ACL Injury: A Scoping Review. Sports Health. 2023 Nov-Dec;15(6):898-907 

Ophey MJ, Bennink D, Bernsen JE, Blazevic I, van Bergen R, van den Berg R, Kerkhoffs GMMJ, Tak I. Patients with patellofemoral pain have lower soft tissue flexibility of the kinetic chain compared to healthy controls: A case-control study. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2023 Oct;36:203-209

Beddows T, Weir A, Agricola R, Tak I, Piscaer T, Verhaar J, van Klij P. Hip and groin pain in male field hockey players: Prevalence, incidence and associations with patient reported outcome scores and hip muscle strength. Phys Ther Sport2023 Mar 8;61:66-72.

Ladru B, Beddows T, Langhout R, Gijssel M, Tak I. What biomechanical parameters are related to drag-flick performance in field hockey? A systematic review. Sports Biomechanics: Accepted May 5 2023

Gokeler A, Nijmeijer E, Heuvelmans P, Tak I, Ramponi C, Benjaminse A. Motor learning principles during rehabilitation after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Time to create an enriched environment to improve clinical outcome. Arthroskopie. April 26;1-6: :DOI:10.1007/s00142-023-00606-1

Gokeler A, Ramponi C, Benjaminse A, Tak I. The Relationship Between Quadriceps Strength and Jump-landing Tasks After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. In: Hallaçeli H, ed. Diz Ekstansör Mekanizması Sorunlarında Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon. 1st ed. Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri; 2021. p.45-50

Barendrecht M, Tak I, Barten C, Verhagen E. Contribution of sex, sports and activity types and curriculum load distribution to intracurricular injury risk in physical education teacher education: a cohort study. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2022 Oct 5;8(4):e001415. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2022-001415. 

Gokeler A, Grassi A, Hoogeslag R, van Houten A, Bolling C, Buckthorpe M, Norte G, Benjaminse A, Heuvelmans P, Di Paolo S, Tak I, Villa FD. Return to sports after ACL injury 5 years from now: 10 things we must do. J Exp Orthop. 2022 Jul 30;9(1):73. doi: 10.1186/s40634-022-00514-7.

Mendonça LM, Schuermans J, Denolf S, Napier C, Bittencourt NFN, Romanuk A, Tak I, Thorborg K, Bizzini M, Ramponi C, Paterson C, Hägglund M, Malisoux L, Al Attar WSA, Samukawa M, Esteve E, Bakare U, Constantinou M, Schneiders A, Cavallieri Gomes A, Florentz D, Ozer Kaya D, Indra Lesmana S, Harøy J, Kuparinen V, Philips N, Jenkins W, Wezenbeek E, Witvrouw E. Sports injury prevention programs from the sports physical therapist’s perspective: An international expert Delphi approach. Phys Ther Sport. 2022;55:146-154. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2022.04.002 Lees hier…

Tak I, Rutten J, Goeverden W, Barendrecht M. Sports participation and injury during the COVID-19 pandemic: will data support observations from clinicians and athletes? BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med. 2022;8:e001317. doi: 10.1136/bmjsem-2022-001317. Lees hier full text…

Ophey MJ, Crooijmans GAHM, Frieling SMW, Kardos DMA, van den Berg R, Kerkhoffs GMMJ, Tak IJR. Short-term effectiveness of an intervention targeting lower limb range of motion on pain and disability in patellofemoral pain patients: A randomized, non-concurrent multiple-baseline study. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2021;26:300-308. doi: 10.1016/j.jbmt.2020.12.028. Lees hier…

Van Klij P, Langhout R, Van Beijsterveldt A, Stubbe J, Weir A, Agricola R, Fokker Y, Mosler A, Waarsing J, Verhaar J, Tak I. Do hip and groin muscle strength and symptoms change throughout a football season in professional male football players. J Sci Med Sport. 2021;21. doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2021.03.019. Lees hier full text…

Serner A, Arnaiz J, Mosler A, Almusa E, Vuckovic Z, Tak I, Maas M, Weir A, Holmich P.  Classifying radiographic changes of the pubic symphysis in male athletes: development and reproducibility of a new scoring protocol. Eur J Radiology. 2020;134:109452. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2020.109452. Lees hier…

Beddows TPA, van Klij P, Agricola R, Tak IJR, Piscaer T, Verhaar JAN, Weir A. Normal values for hip muscle strength and range of motion in elite, sub-elite and amateur male field hockey players. Phys Ther Sport. 2020;46:169-176. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2020.08.014. Lees hier full text…

Tak I, Wiertz WP, Barendrecht M, Langhout R. Validity of a new 3-D motion analysis tool for the assessment of knee, hip and spine joint angles during the single leg squat. Sensors (Basel). 2020;20(16):4539. Lees hier…

Tak I, Weerink M, Barendrecht M. Judokas with low back pain have lower flexibility of the hip-spine complex; a case-controlled study. Physical Ther Sport. 2020;45:30-37. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2020.06.003. Lees hier…

Stevenson K, Bleakley C, Tak I, Langhout R, Saligari R, Glasgow P. Active posterior pelvic tilt range of motion is decreased in soccer players with chronic groin pain: a case-control study. Transl Sports Med. 2020;Mar25. doi: 10.1002/tsm2.157. Lees hier…

Langhout R, Tak I. Including performance level lowers prevalence of non-timeless groin injury; a cross sectional study in 383 female amateurs football players. Physical Ther Sport. 2019;40:225-230. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2019.09.013. Lees hier…

Ladru B, Langhout R, Gijssel M, Veeger D-J, Tak I. Lead knee extension contributes to drag-flick perfomance in field hockey. Int J Perf Analys Sports. 2019 Jun;556-566 https://doi.org/10.1080/24748668.2019.1632581. Lees hier…

Otten R, Stam S, Langhout R, Weir A, Tak I. The effect of compression shorts on pain and performance in male football payers with groin pain. A double blinded randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther Sport. 2019 Jul;38:87-95. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2019.04.013. Lees hier…

Van Goeverden W, Langhout R, Barendrecht M, Tak I. Active pelvic tilt is reduced in athletes with groin pain; a case-controlled study. Physical Therapy in Sport 2019 Mar;36(1):14-21. Lees hier…

Ophey M, Bosch K, Khalfallah F, Wijnands A, Van den Berg R, Bernards N, Kerkhoffs G, Tak I. The decline step-down test measuring the maximum pain-free flexion angle: A reliable and valid performance test in patients with patellofemoral pain. Physical Therapy in Sport 2019 Mar;36:43-50. doi: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2018.12.007. Lees hier…

Bult H, Barendrecht M, Tak I. Injury Risk and Injury Burden Are Related to Age Group and Peak Height Velocity Among Talented Male Youth Soccer Players. Orthopedic Journal Sports Medicine. 2018 Dec 11;6(12):2325967118811042. doi: 10.1177/2325967118811042. Lees full text…

Rehorst J, Glashouwer, Bloo H, Bult H, Olde Riekerink, Van Lierop M, Tak I. Beroepsprofiel Sportfysiotherapeut. NVFS / KNGF, Amersfoort, 2018. Lees hier het Beroepsprofiel Sportfysiotherapeut 2018

Tak I, Langhout R, Bertrand B , Barendrecht M, Stubbe J, Kerkhoffs G, Weir A. Manual therapy and early return to sport in footballplayerswith adductor-related groin pain; a prospective case series. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 2018;11;1-10. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2018.1531096. Lees hier…

Langhout R, Weir A, Litjes W, Tak I. De complexiteit van heup- en liesblessures bij amateurvoetbalsters; een enquête studie onder 434 speelsters in Nederland. Sport en Geneeskunde. 2018, Sept:6-13.

Langhout R, Weir A, Litjes W, Gozeling M, J Stubbe, Kerkhoffs G, Tak I. Hip and groin injury is the most common non-time-loss injury in female amateur football. A study of 434 Dutch players. Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy. 2018, Online 2 Juni. Lees full text…

Mandema L, Tak I, Mooij B, Groeneweg R, Bakker E, Van Veldhoven P. Assessment of cam morphology of the hip with ultra sound imaging by physical therapists is reliable and valid. Physical Therapy in Sport. 2018, Jul;32:167-172. Lees hier…

Langhout R, Tak I, Van Beijsterveldt AM, Ricken M, Weir A, Barendrecht M, Kerkhoffs G, Stubbe J. Risk Factors for Groin Injury and Severe Groin Symptoms in Elite Level Soccer Players: A Prospective and Retrospective Cohort Study in the Dutch Professional Leagues. JOSPT. 2018. 2018 Sep;48(9):704-712. Lees hier…

Beijsterveldt AM van, Tak I, Langhout R, Engelbert R, Stubbe J. Liesklachten bij profvoetballers in Nederland. Sport & Geneeskunde. 2018;1:18-23. Lees full text…

Tak I, Tijssen M, Schamp T, Stubbe J, Van Beijsterveldt A, Siereveldt I, Kerkhoffs G, Haverkamp D. The Dutch Hip and Groin Outcome Score; cross cultural validation according to the COSMIN checklist. JOSPT. 2018;48:4:299–306 DOI:10.2519/jospt.2018.7883. Lees hier…

Tijssen M, Tak I, Stubbe J, Haverkamp D, De Visser E, Nijhuis-Van der Sanden R, Van Cingel R. Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation of the Dutch international Hip Outcome Tool-33 (iHOT-33) in young physically active individuals with symptomatic hip joint pathology. JOSPT. 2018;48:4 Pages:289–298 DOI:10.2519/jospt.2018.7610. Lees hier…

Tak I, Engelaar L, Gouttebarge V, Barendrecht M, Van den Heuvel S, Kerkhoffs G, Langhout R, Stubbe J, Weir A. [INFOGRAPHIC] Is lower hip range of motion a risk factor for groin pain in athletes? A systematic review with clinical applications. Br J Sports Med. 2018 Feb 15.

Tak IJR. [INFOGRAPHIC] Hip and groin pain in athletes; morphology, function and injury from a clinical perspective. Br J Sports Med. 2018 Jan 25. Download de infographic hier…

Tak IJR. [THESIS] Hip and groin pain in athletes; morphology, function and injury from a clinical perspective. University of Amsterdam. 2017 Sep Lees hier…

Tak I, Engelaar L, Gouttebarge V, Barendrecht M, Van den Heuvel S, Kerkhoffs G, Langhout R, Stubbe J, Weir A. Is lower hip range of motion a risk factor for groin pain in athletes? A systematic review with clinical applications. Br J Sports Med. 2017 Apr 21. Lees full text…

Tak I, Langhout R, Groters S, Weir A, Stubbe J, Kerkhoffs G. A new clinical test for measurement of lower limb specific range of motion in football players: Design, reliability and reference findings in non-injured players and those with long-standing adductor-related groin pain. Phys Ther Sport. 2017 Jan;23:67-74. Lees hier…

Langhout R, Tak I, Glasgow P.  Leistenprobleme. Ein umfassender Ansatz aus sportphysiotherapeutischer Sicht. Sportphysio. 2016;May. Thieme-Verlag.

Langhout R, Tak I, Glasgow P. Fallstudie: Rehabilitation von Fußballern mit Leistenschmerzen. Sportphysio. 2016;May. Thieme-Verlag.

Langhout R, Tak I, van der Westen R, Lenssen T. Range of motion of body segments is larger during the maximal instep kick than during the submaximal instep kick in experienced football players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2016 Mar 30. [Epub ahead of print]. Lees hier…

Tak I, Glasgow P, Langhout R, Weir A, Kerkhoffs G, Agricola R. Hip Range of Motion Is Lower in Professional Soccer Players With Hip and Groin Symptoms or Previous Injuries, Independent of Cam Deformities. Am J Sports Med. 2016 Mar;44(3):682-8. Lees hier…

Brooijmans F, Lenssen A, Engelen-Van Melick N, Knoop J, Rondhuis G, Neeleman-Van der Steen K, Tak I, Hullegie W, Hendriks E, Janssen R. KNGF Evidence Statement Acuut Knieletsel. 2015, november, KNGF, Amersfoort. Lees hier…

De Vries A, Zwerver J, Diercks R, Tak I, van Berkel S, van Cingel R, van der Worp H, van den Akker-Scheek I. Effect of patellar strap and sports tape on pain in patellar tendinopathy: A randomized controlled trial. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2015 Sep 17. doi: 10.1111/sms.12556. [Epub ahead of print]. Lees hier…

Langhout R, Weber M, Tak I, Lenssen T. Timing characteristics of body segments during the maximal instep kick in experienced football players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2015 Jul 1. [Epub ahead of print]. Lees hier…

Tak IJR, Weir A, Langhout RFH, Stubbe JH, Kerkhoffs GJJM, Agricola R. Relationship between the frequency of football practice during skeletal growth and the presence of a cam deformity in adult elite football players. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2015;49(9):630-4. Lees hier…

Tak IJR. Conservative management of acute Achilles tendon rupture. Evidence based clinical decision making in patient centred management. Sportphysio. 2014;2:118-123 [German].

Tak IJR, Langhout RFH. Groin injury in soccer; steps towards a sport specific approach. From hypothesis to physical examination and treatment. Aspetar Sports Medicine Journal, Groin Pain Issue, June 2014. Lees hier…

Tak IJR. CME Online cursus ‘Acuut Knieletsel’. 2014. E-Wise Nederland BV, Utrecht. 

Tak I, Eppinga P, Weir A, Franke T, Langhout R, Thorborg K. Cross-cultural adaptation and translation of the Hip and Groin Outcome Score (HAGOS). www.koos.nu. Bekijk en gebruik de HAGOS…

Meijer, LTB, Tak IJR. Volledige ruptuur van de patellapees. Sportgericht. 2013;67(3):24-26 [Dutch]. Lees hier… Schoots E, Tak I, Veenstra B, Krebbers Y, Bax J.

Ultrasound characteristics of the lateral retinaculum in 10 patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome compared to healthy controls. Journal of movement and Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2013 Apr 29; Lees hier…

Meijer LTB, Tak IJR. Parsonage-Turner Syndrome: A case report. Flemish/Dutch Journal of Sports Medicine and Sports Science. 2012 Dec;45(4)..-.. [Dutch] Lees hier…

Tak IJR, Weir A, Langhout RFH. Clinical Biomechanics of the soccer instep kick and the relation to groin injury; a review of literature. Flemish/Dutch Journal of Sports Medicine and Sports Science. 2012 Mar;45(1):18-26 [Dutch] Lees hier…

Schoots EM, Bouman JL, Weusten BAM. A patient with midthoracic pain and dysphagia: A case report. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, January 2012;19(1):53-57

Tak I. Case study – Hockey and knee injury. Sportphysiotherapie. Bant et al., 2011, Georg Thieme Verlag KG:485-502 [German]

Tak I, Schoots E. A young pole vault jumper complaining about pain in the right knee – a case report. Fysiopraxis. 2009 May;18(5):18-21 [Dutch] Lees: FysioPraxis_20-04

Tak I. Critical apraisal on “Echografie”. Fysiopraxis. 2007 Dec;16(12):39 [Dutch]  Lees: Ingezonden reactie Echografie


European Sports Orthopedic Congres - 2023 - Eindhoven (NL)

The young athlete - 2015 - Brighton (UK)

Sportmedisch congres over jonge sporters

SSPS19 - Salzburg (AU)

Sportmedisch congres over schouder, knie, heup en liesblessures en sportperformance.

Medical and training aspects in football - 2019 - Luxembourg (L)

Kinesport - 2020 - (Paris (FR)

Fysiotherapie Utrecht Oost Kinesport

1st World Conference on groin pain in athletes - 2014 - (QAT)

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KNKV - 2018 - EK Heerenveen (NL)



Indeling van liespijn bij sporters (NL)

Consensus over klinisch onderzoek van jonge liespatienten voor de dagelijkse praktijk

Proefschrift Igor Tak (EN)

Deze infographic publiceerden we in het toonaangevend British Journal of Sports MedicineFysiotherapie Utrecht Oost Infographic Thesis Igor Tak

Infographic Liespijn bij sporters (EN)

Over ons onderzoek naar de relatie tussen heupstijfheid en liesblessures, gepubliceerd in British Journal of Sports Medicine

Onze studie naar effect van compressiebroek op liespijn

We bestudeerden het effect van een speciale compressiebroek en vergeleken die met een reguliere versie en gewone sportkleding. 



Knienetwerk Noord-Limburg 12-10-21

Op 12 oktober 2021 was er een avond van het Knienetwerk Noord-Limburg. We bespraken samen met een groot aantal gemotiveerde collegae het onderwerp “Blood flow restriction training” en we beschouwden “Hoptesten in relatie tot return to sport” en vooral hoe we beide nog beter kunnen inzetten in de revalidatie van VKB patiënten  

Jonge patiënten met heup- en liespijn Utrecht 5-10-21

Op 5 oktober 2021 was er een avond verzorgd door Fysiotherapie Utrecht Oost en het Antonius Ziekenhuis Utrecht. Onderwerp: diagnostiek en behandeling van jonge patiënten met heup en liespijn. Van state of the art conservatieve work-up tot postoperatieve revalidatie. De presentatie van Laurens Kaas en Igor Tak kun je hier downloaden.



Hieronder vind je het proefschrift van onze collega Igor Tak die promoveerde op het onderwerp heup en liespijn bij sporters.

Hip and groin pain in athletes Thesis Igor Tak